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Local Airports

Local Airports

There are three airports within a short drive of Mojácar.

All three airports have national and international flights, both scheduled and chartered.

Almería Airport: LEI

Address: Ctra. De Nijar, Km 9. 04130, Almeria.
Tel: (+34) 950 113 700
GPS: 36º 05.6' N 2º 22.2'

This is the closest airport to the Mojácar area being only 80 km from the village taking the A7 motorway route.

Murcia Airport: RMU

Address: Avenida de España 101 30154 Valladolises y Lo Jurado, 30154 Murcia
Tel: (+34) 902 404 704
GPS: 37°48'16.34" N -1°07'52.30" W

There are excellent motorway links to this airport, several opened only in the last few years, one of which is a toll road that cuts the driving time to the airport from Mojácar to about an hour.

Alicante Airport: ALC

Address: 03195 El Altet, Alicante
Tel: (+34) 913 21 10 00
GPS: 38°16'56.0"N 0°33'29.0"W

This is the largest of the 3 airports serving Mojácar and surrounding area, but also the furthest away, about a two and a half hour trip without stops. It does, however, have a good, direct, route but care is needed the first time you make the journey when you get to the Murcia area as several motorways converge and diverge.

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