Energy Certificates

Certificado de Eficiencia Energetica 3904 Real Decreto 235/2013, de 5 de Abril, por el que se aprueba el procedimiento básico para la certificación de la eficiencia energética de los edificios.
Energy Efficiency Certificate 3904 Royal Decree 235/2013, of 5 April, which approves the basic proceedure for the certification of the energy effciiency of buildings.
Do you need an energy certificate?
Yes, from the 1st June 2013 all properties in Spain for sale, or rented for 4 months or more, will need to have an Energy Efficiency Certificate.
- The aim of the certificate is to establish the energy efficiency of a dwelling or commercial premises.
- The reason for this is to cut down on energy consumption and to reduce energy pollution. Recommendations on how to reduce the running costs and increase the overall efficiency will be included in the report.
- These inspections will be carried out by certified technicians, either architects or industrial technical engineers.
- Using a similar scale to the grading of electrical appliances the inspectors will be looking at insulation, water, electricity and gas installations.
- Using a given scale they will then grade the building accordingly and make recommendations as to how it could be made more energy efficient.
The facts
- The certificate will have a ten year expiry date.
- Properties rented for more than 4 months will require a certificate.
- Recommendations for improvements are just that... recommendations.
- Buildings will be rated A - G ('A' being the most efficient, 'G' being the least).
- There will be 10 days to comply with the decree from the 1st June 2013.
- Failure to comply will incur penalties.
- Sellers and rental owners will be responsible for obtaining and paying for a certificate.
Don't panic, Price Brown can help you achieve this. We have carefully researched local certified inspectors to secure the best possible service and price for clients. Contact us for more information
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